Help with sorting food contributions, delivering and/or distributing food, and however help is needed with our long-time mission partner, James Island Outreach!
Sisterhood Circle generally meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month, gathering at different members’ homes. They choose their own study each year, and they participate in churchwide Presbyterian Women events and projects.
Help with sorting food contributions, delivering and/or distributing food, and however help is needed with our long-time mission partner, James Island Outreach!
Sisterhood Circle generally meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month, gathering at different members’ homes. They choose their own study each year, and they participate in churchwide Presbyterian Women events and projects.
Help with sorting food contributions, delivering and/or distributing food, and however help is needed with our long-time mission partner, James Island Outreach!
Sisterhood Circle generally meets on the 2nd Thursday of each month, gathering at different members’ homes. They choose their own study each year, and they participate in churchwide Presbyterian Women events and projects.