As high school students become more independent, our goal is to help them develop strong faith and spiritual practices to take into adulthood. Our high school youth ministries aim to enable our youth to participate in worship, Bible study, service, and fellowship with one another and the entire congregation.
High School Youth Group (grades 9-12)
Sundays, 4:30-6:00pm
Each week, youth will gather to explore scripture, play games, and have special projects. Our time together helps to build a community of faith of love and support for our youth! In addition to helping them to grow spiritually, the friendships and mentor relationships that are developed within the youth group continue to nurture our youth into adulthood.
Sundays, 9:00am
During Confirmation, 9th-grade youth gather to learn the basics of the Christian faith, Bible timeline, and the specifics of what it means to be a part of the Reformed Tradition as a Presbyterian. At the end of the school year, youth are given the opportunity to make a public profession of faith and join the church.
Sunday School
Sundays, 9:00am
High School Sunday School meets upstairs in the Christian Education Building and are led by a team of dedicated volunteer teachers. This class combines Bible studies and studies of contemporary issues to help youth see the way following Christ affects every aspect of our lives.
Special Youth – Retreats, Mission, and More!
Throughout the year, we host several events and retreats just for High School youth. Youth are invited to join annual mission trips, and they also enjoy the summer rafting trips, presbytery retreats, an MLK Weekend mission trip, camping trips, fundraisers, and the Chili Cookoff to benefit James Island Outreach.
Want to stay in the know? Contact the church office
Contact: [email protected]