Middle School is an exciting and sometimes turbulent time as youth begin to sort out the special person God has made them to be in the world. Our goal is to provide them with a safe place to ask questions and be themselves: a sanctuary from the pressures of life in their ever-changing world. These ministries enable our children and youth to participate in worship, Bible study, service, and fellowship with one another and the entire congregation.
Middle School Youth Group (grades 6-8)
Middle School Sunday School
Sundays, 9:00am
Middle School Sunday School meets upstairs in the Christian Education Building and is led by a team of dedicated volunteer teachers. During the Middle School years, we try to help our youth deepen their faith as they begin to transition from childhood into adolescence. Lessons focus on how the Bible speaks to their lives today and what it means to know Christ personally.
Special Youth Events – Retreats, Mission, and more!
Throughout the year, we host several events and retreats just for middle school youth. The summer mission trips tare always a favorite along with presbytery retreats, camping trips, fundraisers, and the Chili Cookoff to benefit James Island Outreach.
Want to stay in the know? Contact the church office to be added to our weekly Youth News email or to find out more.
church office: [email protected]