We welcome you to JIPC! Join Us In-Person or Online for Worship on Sundays at 10:15 am!.
One Family of Faith
Our membership spans the generations. Each week, we experience the vibrancy of young families coupled with the stability of empty nesters and retirees. Whatever your age or stage of life, you have a home at James Island Presbyterian.
Join Us In-Person or Online for Worship
Our worship service is at 10:15am on Sundays! We’ll have Sunday School for all ages beforehand, at 9:00am, and Coffee Fellowship between. Nursery care is available throughout. Our service will continue to be recorded and presented online for those who prefer that option. In addition to being streamed live and via Facebook live, our service remains available to be watched later.
Contact Us
1632 Fort Johnson Road
Charleston, South Carolina 29412
Phone 843.795.3111
One Family of Faith

Our membership spans the generations. Each week, we experience the vibrancy of young families coupled with the stability of empty nesters and retirees. Whatever your age or stage of life, you have a home at James Island Presbyterian.
Following Christ

It is our goal to provide opportunities for you to engage in your faith on a daily basis. Check out our weekly calendar for special learning and service opportunities.
Church News

Upcoming Events

Join us weekly as we study the scripture for the next day’s worship service. Contact John O’Neill for more information.
Our Mission

Our mission at James Island Presbyterian Church is to have Every Member in Ministry.
Our Vision Statement: “DISCOVERING who I am in Christ; in the Church; and in Service to the World.”
Living into our Vision statement is multi-faceted.
The beginning of the Christian journey is establishing a personal relationship, by grace through faith, in Jesus Christ. Each of us is unique in the eyes of God and possess certain strengths to build up the body of Christ and to grow in our personal faith. Each new member is invited to take the online Strengths-Based Leadership survey identifying your individual strengths.
At James Island Presbyterian Church, we strongly encourage you find a place to serve within the body. Your service in the non-threatening fellowship of the church serves as practice to go into the world and serve as salt and light. We believe the church is the organic presence of Jesus Christ in the world as we love God and serve our neighbor the love of God is put on public display.
James Island Presbyterian Church is an Earth Care Congregation. We are joining together in our collective responsibilities as stewards of God’s creation.