We meet in the sanctuary on Monday mornings at 10:30am (please use the McAllister entrance off of Pauline Drive). We take turns leading the Bible study. Contact Jan Pesavento for more information.
Generally our study passage is the lectionary passage for the upcoming Sunday.
The Adult Discipleship Committee generally meets on the 1st Monday of each month, at 6:00pm, in the library.
JIPCs Buildings & Grounds Committee generally meets the 2nd Monday of each month, in the Fellowship Cafe.
First Monday Circle meets at different members’ homes. The schedule occasionally changes to accommodate holidays.
HIGHER WAYS WELLNESS- 8-week session- August 19- October 14 Monday evenings at 6:30p.m. (no class on Labor Day) Revelation Fitness® classes with EMILY OSWALD, certified Revelation Wellness® Instructor. Mondays: Rev Fit at 6:30pm-7:45pm IN PERSON at JIPC- A fitness fusion of cardio, strength, core and stretching for all levels. DROP IN- $5 per class OR save when you purchase the package: Rev Fit-MONDAY NIGHTS Fall 2024- 8-week session in full= $30 (save $10) Note: All donations go directly to the not-for-profit ministry and a portion to a local organization or need and globally to Remember Niger Coalition – thank you for helping us stay on mission loving God and loving others!
The 2nd Tuesday Circle generally meets in the church library on the second Tuesday of each month during the school year, from 10:30 am – 12:00 noon. The members also choose the lesson book each year. The Tuesday Morning Circle welcomes all women to join in whenever they are able. For more information, contact the church office, 843-795-3111, or email.
This circle generally does not meet in July and August.
JIPC’s Finance Committee generally meets the 2nd Tuesday of each month, at 7:45am, although the schedule may vary to accommodate members’ calendars.
On September 10, we will be meeting with committee representatives to receive their budget requests for 2025.
Effective September, 2021, the Mission & Outreach Committee meets the first Tuesday of each month, at 5:30pm to plan ways that we can GIVE, SERVE, and SHARE as a congregation.
The James Island Presbyterian Foundation Board generally meets at 6:30pm on the 2nd Tuesday of each month. Effective May, 2024, the board meets in the church cafe.