Since 2006, Wednesday Night Live has been a central part of our congregational ministries at JIPC. Most weeks, we gather to share a meal, grow in faith, and prepare for Sunday’s worship. Be sure to visit our Music, Nursery, Elementary, Middle School and High School pages to find out more about all of our Wednesday Night ministries.

Also, check out the calendar to see what we have planned for our next Wednesday Night Live event, and see this week’s bulletin for this Wednesday’s menu.

WNL Schedule

5:00—MH/SH Youth Choir
5:30—MH/SH Youth Handbell Choir, Elementary Choir, Cherub Choir
6:15—Adult Handbell Choir
6:30—Adult Courses and PYC (for children/youth)
7:30—Chancel Choir

WNL Dinner

We have a fantastic team of volunteers who prepare dinner each Wednesday for the entire church family. If you would like to join the WNL Kitchen Crew, please contact Elizabeth Souter {This email is obscured. Your must have javascript enabled to see it}.

DINNER PRICES WITH RESERVATIONS: $6 adults, $3 ages 3-18, $18 family maximum


$8 adults, $3 ages 3-18, $24 family maximum
Contact the church office to make your reservation each week or to be placed on the standing reservation list (795-3111, {This email is obscured. Your must have javascript enabled to see it})

WNL Advent Series

Join us as we focus on serving and welcoming our Savior each Advent season. Each event will include dinner from 5:45-6:30 p.m. followed by a special program for all ages:

Wednesday following Thanksgiving:
The making of Advent Wreaths Family Event

Wednesday following the first Sunday of Advent:
Making and wrapping Christmas gifts for missions

Wednesday following the Second Sunday of Advent:
Making gifts and decorations for Christmas